Thursday, July 26, 2012

Summer semester is over!

Well I was able to link Facebook and pinterest today to the blog. It will be interesting to see how linking everything will make it easier for people to find the blog and just have a better experience. It will also help me by teaching me more SEO stuff to incorporate when I finish my portfolio website. 

I wasn't able to do as much as I wanted today, my final for my history class is technically due tomorrow but I just wanted to get it done and over with. I'm glad to because i was motivated to get it done and felt like my brain was actually working. I am on cloud nine because I Aced it! Now I have four weeks to get some projects done and have a little fun before the fall semester starts. I'll take pictures of the two projects I am working on sometime tomorrow to show what I'm working on currently. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day helping a friend move and cleaning the house so that eight people can stay here tomorrow night! Crazy I know but its going to be great.

Since I don't have any pictures to show I felt guilty so i thought I'd share a bit of awsomeness I found online today...

Source: via Amber on Pinterest

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