Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Best Birthday Ever!

That's right it's my B-day! Wow 26... I don't feel an older or different lol.  Chris (my husband) keeps telling me that birthdays lost their excitement at 25.  The next time he can get excited is at 65 when he will qualify for AARP. LoL.  

But I had the best birthday ever! Chris happened to have a long weekend because of Veteran's Day.  I remember having so much fun last year going to Knott's Berry Farm for Valentine's Day.  So I asked Chris if we could go there for my birthday and he said yeah.  So much fun!!! I know I'm CRAZY!!! After our fill of roller coasters we go to our favorite sushi place for dinner.  The day couldn't have been more perfect.

Monday, November 12, 2012

369 Hoodie Design

It's starting to get cold outside and the Marines at HMLA 369 are feeling it.  They wanted a hoodie design next with the squadron patch in the front and a drawing of a lone gunfighter holding a revolver that was drawn by one of the guys.  I borrowed the drawing scanned it in then transformed it into a vector so they could use it more in the future.  I was able to put this together for them in a few hours and they loved it!  It was immediately sent to be printed and I was given one as thanks.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

369 Asked for me again!

Well HMLA 369 loved the work that I did for them so much that they asked me to make them a t-shirt.  They wanted it simple in the front with just the squadron patch and "The World Famous Gunfighters" right below it.  That's one of their sayings that they are known for.

The back they wanted the phrase "It's all about respect" to be big with the same graphics from the squadron patch without the circular frame and such.  The final request was make it appear like some silhouette cowboys or gunfighters are walking from the Torri-gate.

This is the silhouette that I created.  Everyone in the squadron would always quote from the movie Tombstone and that's what inspired me to create this graphic.  Below is the finished product.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Work for 369

Nice! I just finished some vector graphics for my husband's helicopter squadron.  They are HMLA-369 The Gunfighters.  HMLA stands for Marine Helicopter Light Attack. They needed to update their logo because it was outdated and there was only one image circulating the entire squadron made YEARS ago.  So I gave them the option of making the image into a vector image.  That way you can put it onto any medium which they greatly needed.  That's what they wanted and they were so excited by the end result.

HMLA-369 Patch Before
HMLA-369 patch after, ABCDesign-Studio

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Life as a procrastinator

Well its been awhile since my last post.  I've been to two weddings. (One of them I created the wedding program and their wedding madlib which they used instead of a guest book. Great idea!)

Wedding Program

Wedding Guest Lib
I have been working on my two classes like crazy in order to graduate. We turned in our "word art" last week. I will admit I was kind of struggling with it because I kept taking it to literal, which I do alot. But everyone liked my final project. The "joke" as Jeff (my professor) calls it, is definitely there but its pretty simple. But I had other works to show I was trying.

Final Project
Not original but I Love it
Now we are working on logotyping and alot of fun stuff.  I just purchased a light box and was having fun tracing pictures for the first part of my project. I know I could do everything in Photoshop and illustrator but I know that drawing/sketching is a good skill for graphic design. I love to draw and sketch but feel pretty rusty at it so i used this as an opportunity to be a refresher.
My Macaw

I'm also scrambling to put a so so portfolio site together before my one on one with Jeff next week. Its not due then but I'd rather get some feedback early so I have more time to work on it.  I know I am bad at procrastinating so I'm trying to change that and work on it now before its cram time during the semester.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Designing Fun is Back

I'm so sorry it's been a few days... With my blog acting crazy and family in town I just didn't have the time or the patience really to work on the blog and fix things.  It was so annoying, normally I don't mind little ads that pop up if they relate to the content.  I do mind that I set a designated area for ads and then my poor blog and poor viewers get bombarded with them.  It made Designing Fun look tacky and like one of those blogs who just want to make money and don't really care about the content.  I do care... So for right now I'm just not going to have anything.

Designing Fun is still a baby in the blog world and still has alot that needs doing.  Eventually I would love to have a DIYcraft or recipe once a day.  Maybe a beautiful photograph that I just can't help but to share with the world!  I would also eventually love to make it more interactive so when I have enough followers make it easier for them to post their own ideas and what nots. I don't know like I said Designing Fun is still a baby and has LOTS of room to grow.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Well darn.

Today Chris (my husband) and I were getting ready to run a few errands. We didn't get anything done yesterday because we were playing in Disneyland with family that was in from out of town. It was an awesome day.

Today we just needed to run a few errands like get Chris a haircut, get a few things from Costco, and some regular groceries. But when we go outside the drivers side rear tire is flat so Chris breaks out the air compressor and shows me how to use it. Pretty helpful actually. I was hoping for a lazy day at home. Maybe Chris could play Skyrim and I could play more with Designing Fun. I still have a lot I want to do and I wouldn't feel guilty working on the computer if he's playing his game.

Maybe later today we will have some downtime. We could use it. After a long week for the both of us plus Disneyland yesterday we both are pooped. Sometimes we love to put on a interesting documentary and cuddle on the couch. It's one of our favorite things to do actually.


We just left Sears they are going to fix the tire while we get Chris' haircut. We made a pitstop at the petshop. Lots of cute puppies to see. I would never adopt from one of those places though because they usually get their dogs from puppy mills and all the other horrible things you read about those places. Can still take a peek though.

Well I'm starving got to get a snack or something or else I get mean ;)

Friday, July 27, 2012

Designing Fun update

The look of the Blog is starting to come together! I couldn't sleep so I decided to make Designing fun look more creative and interesting at the same time. I'm really happy with the results so far. Next I need to create a banner image for the blog but so many choices!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Summer semester is over!

Well I was able to link Facebook and pinterest today to the blog. It will be interesting to see how linking everything will make it easier for people to find the blog and just have a better experience. It will also help me by teaching me more SEO stuff to incorporate when I finish my portfolio website. 

I wasn't able to do as much as I wanted today, my final for my history class is technically due tomorrow but I just wanted to get it done and over with. I'm glad to because i was motivated to get it done and felt like my brain was actually working. I am on cloud nine because I Aced it! Now I have four weeks to get some projects done and have a little fun before the fall semester starts. I'll take pictures of the two projects I am working on sometime tomorrow to show what I'm working on currently. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day helping a friend move and cleaning the house so that eight people can stay here tomorrow night! Crazy I know but its going to be great.

Since I don't have any pictures to show I felt guilty so i thought I'd share a bit of awsomeness I found online today...

Source: amazon.com via Amber on Pinterest

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Welcome! I'm so excited to see you!!!

My name is Amber Bibeau and I have been tossing the idea around on starting a crafts/life blog for awhile now.  I'm currently going to MiraCosta Community College working towards my AA in both Graphic and Web Design.  I am always learning new things both in the classroom and online that I would love to share with the world! Plus who doesn't love to learn all the juicy gossip of one's life in another part of the country/world?

So this is going to be my blog, Designing Fun! I'm so excited to share ideas, thoughts, concepts, oh heck everything that comes along really that's worth mentioning.  As I bet many of you can already tell, I just write what I'm thinking as I'm thinking it or else I forget.  So I apologize for that in advance.  This blog is for fun anyhow.  How can you get that I'm super excited about something when I have to write something all proper?

Since my blog is only starting today it is a little rough around the edges and needs WAY more personality.  So if you all are patient with me I bet this could be a lot of fun and very interesting in watching a small blog evolve into something AWESOME!

~ Amber

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